

Raised Up

Includes stimulating Capture Points featured at the end of each chapter for engaging group discussion and/or individual study.

This volume centers upon the essential cross and resurrection power of the LORD Jesus Christ, raising upward the bowed down disciple who waits upon Him in fervent expectancy of His divine life and soon return.The call of God upon every believer is to die downward that He might raise them upward to fruitfulness in His life and power.

“And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.” Isaiah 37:31

Upward fruit bearing occurs as the disciple takes root downward, being buried down deeply into the death and burial of Christ. The One who is “the resurrection, and the life” then simultaneously raises up that downward dying saint to newness of life in His Spirit (Jn. 11:25; Rom. 8:11).
Some of what will be learned In this volume is as follows:
  • How the “remnant” is dying “downward” that Christ might raise their lives “upward” into rich fruit-bearing (Isa. 37:31; Jn. 12:24)
  • About the “unspeakable gift” of the divine Person of Christ (2 Cor. 9:15)
  • The utter importance of humility and brokenness in the divine economy (Matt. 23:11-12; James 4:10)
  • How to walk in the light with the One who is the “light of the world” (Jn. 8:12)
  • How to walk in the Spirit, being raised up, fruitful, propelled, and blessed in the power of God (Rom. 8:11-14)
  • How that because of the blood of Christ’s cross, we have victory over sin, and death will soon be “swallowed up in victory” (1 Cor. 15:54, 57)

Todd Tomasella

I Die Daily

"I am carnal, sold under sin,” and yet the eclipsing power of divine grace through Jesus Christ is the glorious victory given to the saints of the Most High (Rom. 7:14; 1 Cor. 15:57). Grace overpowers sin in the lives of all who are truly and fully submitted to Christ (Rom. 6:14; James 4:7). Every human life that does not possess the eclipsing power and grace of Jesus Christ, is dominated by sin. This resurrection grace procures to us that victory as we experience what Paul termed as “Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus.” (2 Cor. 4:10) When we are “Always (perpetually) bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus,” His blessed divine life will always or perpetually be manifesting in our mortal bodies as death is working in us and life through us to others (2 Cor. 4:10-12).Any person who is walking in and led by the Holy Spirit of God is dying downward and being simultaneously lifted upward by the resurrecting power of the Most High. He is therefore fruitful and blessed, and his leaf shall not wither but be ever fruitful to God’s glory (Ps. 1:3).
It is when we are led by the Holy Spirit in being conformed to His death, “that the life also of Jesus" is "made manifest in our body.” (2 Cor. 4:10-11)
We must keep this message of the cross ever before our eye gates as a stirring and edifying reminder of the daily need to lay ourselves aside and allow Jesus to reign in and be "made manifest in our mortal flesh." (2 Cor. 4:10-12)
What others are saying about "I Die Daily":
"THIS BOOK READS BEAUTIFULLY. I love its message! Reading this book has challenged me to re-examine what the Gospel of Jesus Christ really is and must be allowed to do in my own life, if I am to experience what it means to be a spiritual overcomer on a daily basis. I had no idea how many ways 'I Die Daily' could be explored. I am realizing more and more what a serious issue it is to die to myself. It is not an option.” Melissa R.

Lie of the Ages

God's Word warns us to "earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints" against "ungodly men" who are "turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness (license for sin), and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Jude 3-4)
Could there possibly exist a deadly doctrine so widespread in Christendom that those who don’t teach it are actually considered by many to be “unorthodox”? Are some so apostate in this late hour that they call this brazen false teaching “orthodox Christianity?” Not only did Christ nor His apostles not teach such a doctrine (Lie of the Ages), they actually identified this exact teaching as heretical and warned that those who teach it are “ungodly men...denying the only LORD God, and our LORD Jesus Christ.”  
Could the Holy Spirit have been warning the Church here through Jude of the svere danger of believing the first lie ever told to mankind and the prevalent nature and impending danger of this Lie of the Ages?

Would it intrigue you to discover the original lie told by the sworn enemy of all souls whom the Son of God stated is the father of all lies? (John 8:44)
Here are some of the questions that will be irrefutably answered with biblical clarity in this landmark volume:
  • Exactly what lie is this Lie of the Ages and what damage has it caused and is it causing?
  • Are millions of people within Christendom being taught this same deadly lie and told it is biblical?
  • Is this lie endangering the eternal souls of those who have embraced it? Are you living the Lie of the Ages?
  • How secure is the born again believer in Christ?
  • Are many of our leaders changing the truth of God into a lie while turning the grace of God into a license to sin?
  • Is the authentic believer unconditionally eternally secure and certain for Heaven, even if he lives in sin and open rebellion after being saved?
  • What does God require of men to be saved from eternal damnation and secure for eternal glory?
  • What did the prophets, Christ, and His apostles say concerning this teaching?
  • Are those who have been born again and are now backslidden promised eternal life (Heaven) even if they do not repent before dying?
  • Can the true disciple possess deep assurance and be safe, sound, & secure in the Savior of Scripture?
Book Review by S.S. concerning Lie of the Ages:
“The power of this book is in the multitude of Scriptures amassed by Todd Tomasella concerning the devil's first and ongoing lie: unconditional eternal security, aka "once saved always saved."

Todd thoroughly refutes that doctrine of devils piece by piece. He includes quotes from popular "once saved always saved" teachers, and shows with Scripture where their teachings contradict God's Word. He also easily refutes all 5 points of Calvinism with God's Word.

Todd explains what true biblical grace is, and how the Bible specifically warns us that false teachers will twist and distort grace into something it isn't, thus leading many people into the disobedient living that brings the wrath of God upon them.

There are many, many other aspects of "the lie of the ages" which Todd covers in his book, a full 700 pages long. Todd obviously has the heart of a true shepherd, in that he is one of the few who is unafraid to warn the sheep about the wolves that seek to destroy them with false teachings that rob from them the fear of the Lord.

Speaking the truth in love, Todd offers Scripture after Scripture to fortify you against the lies of the enemy - and in particular, the greatest lie satan ever told - once saved always saved.”
WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ABOUT LIE of the AGES:I wholeheartedly recommend the book "Lie of the Ages." I use to believe in ‘Once saved always saved’ (OSAS).  However, during a difficult period of my life, I willfully sinned for many years. Because of the OSAS doctrine, I use to think I can do (whatever sin) since I'm already saved, and just ask God for forgiveness and I will still go to heaven. How deceived I was. First, true repentance is acknowledging that sin is wrong, and turning from it. Secondly, we are not saved by works, but without holiness one will not see God. There are several places on the internet that teach OSAS. I even had a minister tell me that if anyone believes that he/she can lose their salvation, they aren’t saved because they are believing a works gospel. ‘Lie of the Ages’ refutes all the OSAS arguments. Read the Bible, and prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit for discernment concerning the truth.” Lemuel

“A few months back I sent you a letter by mail asking questions about various verses in Hebrews...What an eye-opening book!...I am finding my answers!” Donna M.
“Todd, thank you, Brother. About 5 years ago I began to understand the daily cross working in me thru the Spirit (not done by human ability or effort). I totally agree also with your book on "eternal security." I would like about ten copies to read and give away. For 40 years I was drugged and stupified by the lie of the ages...” Travis Bryan III (Judge and Attorney)
“Todd Tomasella has written an exhaustive study on the one subject being categorically ignored by the aggregate body of Christ - the Lie of the Ages. The biblical evidence that salvation can be forfeited is presented in one volume with clarity and insight. I strongly encourage every Christian to read this prayerfully as to not be deceived in these last days.” Kelly Gallagher

“I have finished reading Lie of the Ages - I cannot tell you how grateful I am to you for writing it. I hope to purchase one for every believer I know.” L. S.
“I have been reading your book 'Lie of the Ages'. What a wonderful and powerful book. I am only about 150 pages into it and my eyes have been
opened.” Darren S., Australia
“This author’s writings are centered on and driven by Scripture, with an end to save souls. In light of the author’s character and commitment to the truth wherever it leads him, I commend this book to you. I pray that God’s hand will guide the reader into all truth, and that the fruit of this work will find widespread circulation to the glory of the Lord.” Jeff P., ID
“I ordered the books, Deceivers and False Prophets Among Us and Lie of the Ages, by Todd Tomasella. I have read the first book but am just getting started on the second. I find them very compelling, truthful and filled with biblical truth. I think the reason I was so drawn to Todd's writings was the fact that he supports everything with Scripture. He does not speak his own ideas or the traditions of man…I applaud Todd wholeheartedly for his truthful and biblically based writings. May the Lord's blessings be rich in his life as he stands against deception. Keep on writing those wonderful books because deception is all around us and many are blinded by the god of this world.”  Marlin Y. 

Deceivers & False Prophets Among Us

Are there false, fruitless and insidious predators in the pulpits of the modern church? If so, are these deceivers leading multitudes to the worship of false gods through their damnable heresies? Are seeker-friendly”churches creating a new class of “Christians” who have no concept of authentic, Biblical Christianity? Are there leaders who are building their own kingdoms in lieu of God’s and doing so on your dime? Are we hearing the full counsel of the LORD from those in leadership, or the psychology and programs of mere men? Are beguiling emissaries in our midst drawing believers away from pure devotion and intimacy with Jesus Christ? Do these things exist within your local fellowship? Are you truly being instructed in the right ways of the LORD? Explore the answers to these and many more questions in this bold, insightful, and resourceful look at the church world today.

  • What specific erroneous teachings are circulating in the church world and how to identify and expose them
  • How to discern the genuine leaders who truly follow the Word and Spirit of God, from the false and fruitless who are using the LORD’s name, people, and money to build their own kingdoms
  • How to please the LORD by positioning and establishing His written revelation as final authority in your personal life
  • How to discern and cease wasting your brief existence on this earth supporting wolves in sheep’s clothing
  • How to know and serve God with a loving and concerned heart from the foundation of divine immutable truth and overcome the many deceptions circulating in the church world today

Book review below:
"I do not publish this book ( I have been doing intense research for a many years on the modern apostate church system and it was a welcome relief to find this book, "Deceivers and False Prophets Among Us" to be so accurate and well presented so every Christian could easily understand the serious apostasy taking place inside the churches today. Christians by the millions are being fooled and tricked by the modern apostate church system and it is books like this one that truly need to be read by churchgoing Christians of all denominations to understand the "great falling away" taking place today as the Bible so predicted will happen in the last days. Jesus Christ of Nazareth promised that if you seek, you will find the truth, and the truth will set you free. Consider this book one more in the library of your search for the truth. And if you think you are not in an apostate church? You really need to read this book because you may be in for a rude awakening! To the author I say, "Thank you for writing this book. It will help many to escape who are trapped in the apostate churches." - James Russell

“Wonderful! Fabulous devotional…Out of the two books I got, I'm doing the smaller one first (Deceivers & False Prophets Among Us). I was so impressed that Todd said to have my bible out to use as a reference for back up and not just to take his word for it! -Because isn't that the very thing that the people in these false movements are doing?...Tell Todd I am truly enjoying that book and am not rushing through it at all. I really want what I'm reading to really soak in.” Sally M.
“Todd Tomasella is a fellow warrior for the truth with a true shepherd's heart to protect the church from the grievous wolves and false prophets. In this book, the author shows step by step discernment principles and gives solid biblical proof that we should not ignore, but mark and expose false prophets. How many souls have been lost by the finances lavished on false prophets and the souls lost by their deceptions and damnable heresies?  Every true Christian should read this book and apply the truths in it.” Kelly P. Gallagher
“Delusions, Hypocrisy, & Falling Away in the Church: This book addresses the hindrances experienced by non-believers who encounter blatant error that we so readily accept in the church today. I have not had the blessing to read such a timely scriptural confrontation of what we as a church are accepting as true and yet does not line up with the truth of God's Holy Word. A real eye opener! Kills sacred cows that have long needed to be removed from today's church world. Todd Tomasella hit a home run -- the people who need this just might not buy it - so buy one and give it to them!” P.J., TX

“Every Christian should read this book! It is a truly refreshing glimpse into a dark world of deception like none I have read. Anyone who seeks Truth will be blessed by the honest candor with which Todd Tomasella confronts the epidemic of heresies running rampant in pulpits all across America. This book is a clarion call to all who wish to honor their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The call is this: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33) Brother Tomasella is quick to point out that any other mindset leads us toward a path of deception and destruction. Seeking our Lord and living a life of righteousness should be our all-consuming passion, and Todd Tomasella gets it! I praise God for this work of admonishment to the throngs of ravenous wolves and their prey. I pray this work guides a multitude away from the fad publications polluting their minds, and back to the only Book that offers living hope, the living Word of God, so they may be overcomers in these last days. (Matthew 24:13)” Pastor Dave Gaffney, AZ

“I have been reading your book (Deceivers & False Prophets). It’s very good, and makes you think about where to go to church these days. Another hurricane, more earthquakes, and no one can see the real reason for all of these things happening.” Mike C., TX
“Todd has addressed the number one issue of today’s Christian culture. A subtle enemy has been invading our Christian churches and lulling Christians to sleep. This book is a dynamic tool for the discerning Christian who wants to be an effective servant of the LORD.” Dan White

“Safeguard your soul today by agreeing to defeat Satan at his own game by relying on the power of Jesus…If you don't fully understand Satan's games, buy this book that outlines Satan's traps. It's a must read to gain the understanding of the battle we are in.” Ray M., TX